Friday, August 3, 2012


I am amazed at how prevelant wars are that we don't pay attention to. while everyone knows about carnal warfare, violence via soldiers and their equipment. but how many know about the more quiet wars? I mean what is war but a conflict of interests? you have what I want and I will take it, or your in my way or blocking my goals so I will knock you out anyway I can since oppertunity and supplies are limited? or competition for resources or that coveted medal? is it not an attempt to come out on top, the dominate one, the one to get the glory and the money?

take the money system for example, scarcity creates value, so by making money scarce for you amd me, it creates a conflict of interest, I need the money, you need the money so we have to go out and compete for that job, that income so we can buy still other scarce resources, food, paying the mortgage, paying the utilities. when you borrow money they only create the principle never the interest, so here is another war, I have to war against you to get your princple to pay my interest on my principle which leaves you with less to pay your principle let alone the interest. it is a race on economic survival which ultimatly means survival period.  what is really sad, there is another war waged against people by those with the privelege of creating money out of thin air. they profit from it and never have to pay for it either in money, blood, sweat and tears.

you and i have to bust ourselves to get the "money" to make ends meet. those at the top however can get it without much effort if any at all. while you and I may have to work until we drop, they will retire early, travel, get all their wants and desires met with little effort. why can they do this? simple. what gave the southern plantations owners all that free time and resources for every kind of personal pursuit?

slaves. and a administration (called gov) to make sure it sticks. and that you stick, on the planatation working until you can't work no more. no time for enjoying the life God gave you (funny how people can convince themselves they own someone else whom they did not give life to) no time to enjoy travel, lesiure activities, even worship God or some other desired pursuit. no, only long days, exhuasting work, and little return on your investment (except enough to keep you strong for the work).

another war, is war on free will, or self ownership, this is hidden under the names, war on drugs, war on obesity, war on poverty, war on profit (you know tax those scum rich guys who actually create the goods and jobs we want) war on _________ fill in the blank. actually this is a war on you and me. our rights and liberties and has nothing to do with the cause, only the end result which is power and profit for those at the top.

these wars were prophesised in the bible in revelation,daniel, ezekiel, the gov/rulers are called wild beasts, the sun, even trees in some bible books. wild beasts are unreasonable, cruel, insatiable and even eat their own young. the sun can get very hot and scorch you, hence you get burned in every which way but sundown. all respresent one thing, oppression. slavery, and injustice.

this proves one thing for sure, we are all in dire need of God's kingdom or government. this gov is not through any human agency, it rules from heaven. these wars are proof that we are not capable of ruling ourselves that God is right to expect us to obey him first and foremost and that only he can see to it true justice and happiness abounds. only he can remove wicked people who are judged this because of refusing to see to reform themselves to love God first, love their neighbors as themselves.


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